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4 posts tagged with "Self-custodial"

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· 7 min read

2024 kicked off at full speed in the Bitcoin world: we celebrated the 15th Bitcoin anniversary on January 3rd; Bitcoin ETFs were approved and have recorded record-breaking trading volume; and, of course, we are heading towards the next Halving after block 840,000, which is estimated to happen around April 19th.

While this alone is already plenty to digest, we at 10101 will continue pushing the boundaries of self-custodial trading on Bitcoin using Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs).

· 7 min read

In a previous blogpost we talked about self-custodial settlement paths in 10101. In this blogpost we explore how the 10101 app will enable you to stay self-sovereign in your self-custodial trade setup.

Without a certain level of self-sovereignty, your self-custodial setup might not be as protective as you think. If you depend on a single service provider too much, then you might not be able to act in a worst case scenario.

· 4 min read

In our previous blogpost we wrote about the motivation for self-custodial trading and when it matters. In this blogpost we explore how the self-custodial setup works and what happens when you click the button to close a position.

When you trade in 10101 there are three phases:

  1. Discovery: Finding a trading partner through the 10101 orderbook

  2. Execution: Opening the position by setting a P2P smart contract on Bitcoin

  3. Settlement: Closing the position by resolving the contract

· 5 min read

This is the first in a series of blogposts that explores self-custodial trading with 10101 - why and when self-custody really matters, and how it works.

Bitcoin is objectively the best ledger out there. But, as great as Bitcoin is at solving the problem of self-custodial ownership, when it comes to using your coins you depend on centralized platforms. On an exchange you deposit your funds giving up custody - you rely on the exchange to be honest and return your funds once you want to exit. What if there could be a financial system where nobody can lie of cheat?

With 10101 you never give up custody. The app empowers you to trade self-custodial, eliminating the need for a centralized custodian, and enabling autonomy. You stay in charge at all times: Your keys, your coins.